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Jackie realizes after reading people's intent on Flocker how it impacts the daily life of people all around the world and decides to advocate for Flocker to make amends in their app to integrate with the Distributed Internet Society. The Distributed Internet society (DIS) is a decentralized imagining of the World Wide Web distributed as Local Web Belts. 

These Local nodes operate in conjunction with one another, people of that network owning rights to decide how to use their data to further share on these web belts.

The glitch is based on ideological principles of intention and self-determination and justness from philosophies in Hinduism, Buddhism around Dialogue (Samvad)
As platforms become digital courtrooms of justice

How might they be better equipped to respond to the multiplicities of thoughts?

  • What could a civil debate driven by intention and plurality hosted online extreme views look like? 

  • What if the way information is distributed gives one another space and time for dialogue?

  • What if the conditions for dialogue are determined by the people on it than the companies moderating them?

  • The premise of the glitch sits within this discourse.

Situated intent in digital space

Svadharma is the action determined by one's nature, spiritual temperament and essential character. It is the natural instinct in all of us that stimulates us to act at a subconscious level, without thinking. One's nature is in turn determined by one's physical, pranic and mental constitutions, namely trigunas (sattva, rajas, tamas) 


By highlighting your context you are not only articulating with intentions for self but for others as well to open Samvaad (Dialogue)

Self determined

These Emotions are called “Rasas” in Sanskrit which give life different hues, shades and colours. Rasa is commonly used to denote the sense of an “emotional state.” The nine Rasas were (and are) the strength of character of Indian aesthetics ever since they were symbolized in the Natyasastra (written sometime in 200 BC-300 AD).


By playing with these to bring out the intent of the user on the post supports the concepts of holism and display of intent on the digital platforms.


The point is that this notion of dialogue and common consciousness suggests that there is some way out of our collective difficulties. 

While the importance of dialogue is highly regarded yet on platforms it's an upcoming space.



 what happens when people from opposing views enter these digital spaces and engage in dialogue and hear one other out?


Distributed Internet Society Approved

Theory of Dialogue in Charaka Samhita 

Distributed Internet Society 

A speculative reimagining to move away from centralised digital spaces to distributed digital spaces. “If you don’t understand how a system is currently operating you risk defaulting to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. If you really dive into how a system is structured and governed, you can often discover a small set of root causes that are driving a multitude of challenges at the surface.” Liz Corbin.

This stage of moving from Central to Distribution of participation may take its course but it's important to highlight discourse around. 

In our quest for knowledge, search whose politics are defining at the top? And who feels like an outsider?


The speculative conceptual project as a series of experiments aims to questions hegemonic linear ways of seeking information on the internet as we know it today. 

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